Debit Card Security Code Information

A debit card security code (CSC) is a three or four-digit number that appears on your debit card. It may also be referred to as a debit card CVV or CVC, which indicates card verification value and card verification code, respectively.
Where is the security code (CVV) on a debit card?
The security code can be found on the front or back of a debit card depending on which bank or credit union you use. With Chase debit cards, the three-digit code appears on the back of the card to the right side of the white signature strip.
What is the difference between a CVV and PIN?
The CVV is distinct from the debit card number. The debit card number most often appears on the front of the card and is 15 or 16 digits long. In addition, debit cards use a PIN, or personal identification number, which is typically four digits you choose yourself. The PIN does not appear on the card, and it’s typed into a keypad when you withdraw money from an ATM or pay for a purchase in person at a cash register, for example. Do not share your PIN or write it on your card. Using a four digit PIN may help prevent debit card fraud.
How does a debit card security code work?
There is a CVV encoded on the magnetic strip on the debit card so it is not necessary to key it in for in-person purchases. However, when making online purchases or purchases over the phone, the CVV is to be provided. This is an additional layer of security to help prevent debit card fraud.
The bottom line
Most often you can find a debit card security code on the back of your debit card. Not to be confused with a debit card number or a PIN, a debit card security code serves a unique function of helping to protect your account when making online and phone-based purchases. Learn more about managing your debit card, including locking and unlocking your card.