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What is credit monitoring?

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    Credit monitoring tracks your activity on your credit reports with one, two or all three of the major credit bureaus (Experian™, Equifax® and TransUnion®) and alerts you of certain actions that may impact your credit report and score. 

    Does Chase have credit monitoring?

    Chase offers credit monitoring through Chase Credit Journey® with Experian™. You can access this by logging into Credit Journey and clicking the “Alerts" tab. 

    What is a credit monitoring service?

    With our credit report monitoring through Chase Credit Journey, we keep track of changes to your credit report so you can stay on top of your accounts. We'll send an alert when we spot the following: 

    • New activity: Some examples of new activities include opening a new account or having a lender check your credit. New activity may include: 
      • New credit inquiries: When a lender, creditor, potential landlord or employer requests to see your credit report from a credit bureau, it's marked as a new credit inquiry.
      • New account opening: Opening a new line of credit can impact your credit usage, total balances and available credit. Although creating a new account may cause your credit score to dip at first, it may help you build credit over time. 
      • Dormant account activity: New activity that appears on a card or other line of credit that you haven't used in a while is considered dormant account activity. 
      • Change of address: When a new address shows up on your credit report, Chase Credit Journey will notify you to make sure you've updated your address.
    • Positive activity: This includes activities like paying down a past due balance or paying off an account. Some examples include: 
      • Making payments on time
      • Using less credit
      • Paying down debt 
    • Negative activity: You'll see this if you miss a payment, any of your accounts are sent to collections or a bankruptcy shows up on your credit report. 
      • Delinquent status 
      • Card over limit 
      • Settlement or Collection accounts
      • Public record: Experian™ credit reports use public records from local, state and federal courts. Public records include bankruptcies, lawsuits and foreclosures.

    What isn't included with credit monitoring?

    Credit monitoring offers alerts that warn or flag changes or unusual activities on the credit report. The service isn't a one-stop-shop. There are limits to what credit monitoring can provide. 

    Keep in mind that credit monitoring does not:

    • Prevent identity theft or credit card fraud. However, Chase does have an identity theft tool kit (PDF) to flag potential activity that could've already happened. 
    • Stop you from getting phishing emails. If you receive a suspicious message, don't open it and report it to your email provider. 
    • Fix potential errors on your credit report. 
    • Prevent taxpayer identity theft.

    With our credit usage monitoring, we monitor changes to your credit limit, usage and balances to help you keep track of your spending — across all your accounts, not just the ones you have with Chase. We monitor changes to your credit limits, utilization and balances so you can help maintain your credit health. 

    Make sure to take an active role in monitoring your credit. Consider signing up for Chase Credit Journey to help track and monitor activities that affect your credit score and credit report for free.

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